Thursday, July 26, 2007


Douro river

How my ideal house should be!!

Debrecen sport

The Majestic

Casa da música (huge hole)

Me, Mariana and finally I met Tiago (the men behind the computer)
Finally, after 25 years, I spent a couple of days in the second biggest city of Portugal. I could confirm the warm welcoming from the people of the city, and understand why the city is considered by the UNESCO World Heritage.
Of course the main reason to go there was to meet my Debrecen Tugazinhas who have just finished their exams and began their holidays. It was kind of strange to meet them in their native ecosystem but of course it was a great time and we had lots of fun. We even managed to be hangovered one of the days!! :P

Wednesday, July 11, 2007


Mais uma vez no aeroporto de Budapeste à espera do avião para Lisboa. Desta vez com os meus mais e o meu irmão, o que torna menos secante a espera. Acrescentando os devaneios comportamentais do meu irmão, ainda melhor!!
Até manhã a todos.

Wednesday, July 04, 2007

As pequenas memórias

Não que me queira tornar num crítico literário ou fazer-me passar por intelectualoide. Porém todos vocês sabem do gosto que tenho pela leitura, que embora diluído um pouco com o andar do tempo, ainda mantenho. Acabei de acabar de ler o livro de Saramago homónimo a este post em menos de 3 dias. Raridade num livro deste nosso notável autor. Pela primeira vez li um livro dele em português, não em Saramaguiano. O livro é só um aglomerado de memórias de infância do autor, mas descritas de uma maneira tão interessante, que me deixou agarradíssimo. Recomendo-0 vivamente , mesmo a quem nunca conseguiu digerir uma obra dele.

Monday, July 02, 2007

Max and Zoe

Today I invited for dinner the two youngest members from the second semester Erasmus community, Zoe and Max. Of course André and Claudia also came, their parents and really wonderful people. You can see that on their kids!! See you in Germany!

Sunday, July 01, 2007


Today I made my first presentation in English to a broad audience. I was so nervous, like I have never been in my life. Unfortunately I don't have a video from it to see how bad my English gets when my brain is stopped. Even worst than usually :P. Finally was not that bad and people understood what was my message I think!
After this meeting, I have one day more at work, then my parents come this Tuesday for a week and after Portuguese sun for one month.
See you there guys!!