Saturday, April 14, 2007

25 years party

Well is not everyday that you celebrate you 25th anniversary. So I just had a great dinner my friends. We went to a typical hungarian restaurant called Flaska. Of course a lot of drinking and partying. Pareço um senhor. ( Thanks forum and tash for the gift)

Well, Paprikas palinka, Curva jo!!!!

Inês, Mesi, I and Mariana. (the gang!!)

The crash course side, I was missing being with all of you

The hungarian side (crazy people) and Erasmus
The cake

Thanks for the bike (to everybody and someone in special). I had an accident the same night with it

Solveig and Inês (no comments)


Unknown said...

Realmente com gravata não só pareces um senhor como até chegas a parecer um homem :p

Na bicicleta só falta uma campainha e um cestinho à frente... ;)

Espero que te tenhas divertido.

Parabéns outra vez Dino! :)

LPE said...

did someone already told you that is a girls bike??? no decent men uses a "curved" bike! Shame on you ;-)

Anonymous said...

Woow ! That's the 1st time I see you dressed like that !!!

Happy birthday again !
