Well, I know you will think that my life in this country is only parties and no work.
I can assure you that it’s not true, but blogging about some cells that don’t grow or some antibody that gave wonderful results it’s not that funny and interesting for the majority of you.
I’m just posting some pictures of the craziest party I had since I came to wonderful Debrecen. It was the 100th day of my dear Tugazinhas (Mariana and Inês) here. It went really fast girls, but it was worthwhile to meet you. You will stay in a special place in my Debrecen adventure memories :P!!! What am I saying, is still missing one month, we should enjoy each minute.
Enjoy the pictures because I did love that party!!

Me and Inês, even without drinking

Hungarian hospitality



água de Valência (q veneno)


Alex, me and Lacy

As minhas tugazinhas

Crazy jovan and magda
Pelo menos os teus vizinhos avisam antes de chamarem a polícia! :p
Não são como a que morava no 2ºA que os chamou logo! Fogo, não percebo... já uma pessoa (ok, umas 10 pessoas) não pode fazer uns barulhinhos (se calhar até foi muito) às 3 da manhã???
keep on going, keep on going!!! soon enough I'm gonna visit you, and I do expect to have at least as much fun as you had until now - girls included ;)!
fica bem,
meu tugazinho!
é verdade foi a loucura esta festa, assim cm estes 100 dias, k sem ti, n teriam o mm sentido!! prefiro o calor, mas os 12º são mt especiais!!
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