Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Back in Debrecen

After one month of fun in Portugal. I'm back to the big village!! Even though, is the first time I arrived and I immediately felt at home, at least kind of. Leaving Portugal is never easy, but knowing where I was going to, made things easier this time.

Not only French people eat it!!

We got crazy in my sister's birthday

I just wanted to sleep!

This family is always crazy

Portuguese paradise

Vera and Paulo bought a house, but we made the party

You should had seen us a couple of years ago, we weren't like this

Aqui vai um grande abraço para a malta com quem eu partilhei alguns instantes destas férias. Um beijão especial para a família!
Aqueles que não vi desta vez fica para o Natal!, mas o abraço também é para eles!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Actually ....
I never tried to eat snails ...
Just the idea .. brrr...

But frogs are good, it's just meat, like chicken but smaller
