Sunday, September 16, 2007

Weekend in the Tatra

As Hungary has only hills I had to go to the neighbour Slovakia, once Hungarian territory, to spent a weekend in the mountains, the high Tatras. I started Friday at 6pm, but it was quite hard to get there, instead of a 5 hours trip it took me 7 hours to reach Poprad because of train delays.
Saturday we went hiking. The weather was not so perfect, but being in the middle of nowhere allowed me to relax and don´t think in the every day's life. I came back today, stopping for a while in Kosice for one hour to make a quick tour. A nice city, small, but nice!

Travelling mates ( Tomi, Zoli, Esti)

Magic mushroom

Even after all that rain and wind, the landscape was worthily

Slovakian dogs are really nice

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Really nice pictures !!!!!

Hiking is great to get away from every day life and questions!