Validity Assessment of the Detection Method of Maize Event Bt10 through Investigation of Its Molecular Structure
After 3 years, something was published about the work I was involved in Italy.I need to acknowledge Anne, my supervisor there, for the perseverance to never give up on this.
And yes, for the people who annoyed me for months to get to know which confidential work I was doing there, and yes Sardinha I'm speaking about you :P, now you know!
Soon I'll have a second author paper and I'm writing up my first paper as first author.
Slowly I'm getting there!
Happy April's Fool :P! Really, something was published about your work here???
Now I do NOT want to know :p
Hey, It's J. This is my first time reading ur blog. It's nice and a lot of good pics. But I cant read some of the m due to my poor language ability. Anyway, wish u good luck with ur paper!! I am glad to know a scientist as a friend ^++++++++++^ Happy Holiday!!
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