Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Athos 04 FC

 On foot: Petike, Duarte, Peti, Laci, Peti H
Bottom: Szili, Attila, Dani. Pityu
Missing on the pic : Zoli, Barna, Ofi, Norbi
photo by Anita
The team consolidated its top performances by assuring the 3rd place in the indoor Championship. Important to mention that Attila and Dani were top goalscorers of the league in ex aequo with 29 goals! 
Having suffered my biggest injury of my career during offseason I just played in few games at end of the season. 
My performances where not the best mostly related with the shape  I had been acquiring during the 3 months of total inactivity.  


Unknown said...

"My performances where not the best mostly related with the shape..."

And the absence of natural talent :)

Unknown said...

Só desculpas... hehehe