Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Honeymoon in Tehran: Two years of love and danger in Iran

I got this book as a Christmas present from my sister. Most of you will nowadays know why Iran is such a topic of great interest for me for the last one and a half year and that was probably the reason why she gave me the book.
The Portuguese edition has a very dubious cover which made think even more, having also in consideration the title,  my sister had given me a boring novel of low quality about a lousy love story (nothing against love stories, they can make very good books). 
I couldn't be more separated from the true. I devoured it in the last 4 days from the first till the last page. It is an amazing report of contemporaneous Persian society. It shows their problem, fears, expectations and ways to adapt and survive the totalitarian and ambiguous regime they lived in.
It is a good book for someone that wants to know further more than what is shown by the videos and images from the bearded men burning flags of the USA or the people in the streets wearing green.
Thanks Maninha, adivinhas sempre!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...