Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Kostas's Wedding

The first of possibly several posts from the great wedding of my good friend Kostas! Was great to see all of you there!

Monday, August 18, 2008

Festa das Figueiras!!

Porto 2008

A view like this!!

Is demanding something like this!

Porto's tram

They were waiting for the bull!!

Rui Rio works on the top floor!!

My first night out with my cousins

The winners!

The losers!

My 16 years old cousin's first shot! At least for the 2 girls! I hope! They shouldn't be like the older cousin! I was talking about my sister of course!

Dance Floor was all ours!!

P.S. The title is due to my cousin Marco, and he knows why!!

Verão 2008 - Versão família

Sorriso metálico

O meu irmão no sacanço!!

Os meus modelitos :P

A Violeta, o elemento mais novo da famelga!

A Pat e a Pipoca!!!

Ui, que belas!!!

A primalhada toda!!

Eu na minha posição favorita na praia!!!

Uma família de gente dotada, até para artistas do circo damos!!

Algazarra familiar!!

Onde já vi isto!