Saturday, February 27, 2010

Vienna again, with the Veccio!

The building where everything happens!!

As you can see, only healthy food!

A short weekend excursion to Vienna with the Veccio!
Only this week we understood we had accomplished to miss the most memorable exhibition in the "Secession".
I also had the pleasure to meet with Leo for a long and interesting, let us call it like that, night! The club in
Karlsplatz rocks!

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Tiago's adventure!

Living at 4200 mt!
I immensely recommend to see all the Videos on this Channel!
An amazing and enlightening experience from my good friend, old flatmate, future brother in law for 11 years (or 12, I don't know anymore).
Hope I can do something similar one day!

Monday, February 22, 2010

For the vitims in Madeira!

Natural disasters can happen everywhere. A lot can be discussed about who is the fault of the dimensions of the tragedy but nothing will bring back the life of the deaths and remove the pain from who lost somebody!

Life is strange and weird and we continue to look at the wrong side of it!

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Breve desabafo

A Clinton foi à Arábia Saudita pedir apoio para um eventual aumento de sanções ao vizinho Irão.
O que me perturba é como é que uma mulher Secretária de Estado da supostamente democracia defensora dos direito humanos se senta à mesa com um Rei de uma País onde esses direitos, principalmente os das mulheres como ela, são violados diariamente.
Alguém me explique, que a situação deixa-me muito confuso!

Thursday, February 11, 2010

This day is because he should be free to play in his homeland!!

Wearing green for Iran!

My blog is also dressed in green today! Not because I think it will change something, just because I care! People should be free to do their life choices at every level!

Tuesday, February 09, 2010

Tuesday, February 02, 2010


Bem acabou-se o Europeu! Chegamos mais longe do que deixamos antever ao início!
ém mais uma, vez cometemos erros que nos custaram caros.
Mas aqueles 3 minutos finais foram electrizantes. Não conseguimos, mas estivemos perto!
Foram 2 semanas emocionantes em que conheci muita gente nova.
Agora cada vez que for a Portugal, tenho mais uns quantos amigos a quem telefonar para um copo!