Tuesday, March 02, 2010

For all GFP lovers!

A San Diego beach scene drawn with an eight color palette of bacterial colonies expressing fluorescent proteins derived from GFP and the red-fluorescent coral protein dsRed. The colors include BFP, mTFP1, Emerald, Citrine, mOrange, mApple, mCherry and mGrape. Artwork by Nathan Shaner, photography by Paul Steinbach, created in the lab of Roger Tsien in 2006.

 I run in to this in the Web! Made me happy to see my work topic turned into art! 


Unknown said...

Never used but I'm definitely a fan of GFP :)

Trintinha said...

Muito interessante!!
Um beijinho

AC said...

When will you show us your art pictures of your work !? Now that we see that you can do with it